LHD Canberra Hull to be Carried on Heavy Transport Vessel

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07 Agustus 2012

Canberra hull ready for transport (photo : JR Montero)

Aircraft Carrier Hullto be Carried on Dockwise HTV

Australian Landing Helicopter Dock (ALHD) ship hull is for onboard Heavy Transport Vessel (HTV) delivery to Australiafrom Spain.

Blue Marlin, the largest semi-submersible HTV available to date, is to load shortly the Navantia manufactured hull (230 meters in length) of the amphibious ALHD flagship Canberrafor delivery to the Royal Australian Navy.

Canberra hull has entered Blue Marlin vessel (photo : Gustavo Rivas)

A complex technical challenge emerged: the aircraft carrier hull was calculated to protrude 55 meters from the aft end of the Blue Marlin. To meet this challenge Dockwise marine engineers had to work closely with the Navantia team to develop a new grillage and sea-fastening design to safeguard the hull against forces that may be encountered on the voyage.

Blue Marlin preparing to entered by the Canberra hull (photo : Dockwise)

Dockwise has been awarded contracts to transport two ALHD hulls from Punta Langosteira, Spain to Melbourne, Australia.

The ALHD Canberra is the first of two cargoes to commence the 12,000 nautical mile voyage around Cape of Good Hopeestimated to be completed in 45 days.

Blue Marlin heavy transport vessel (photo : JR Montero)

The second, the ALHD Adelaide, will be transported in early 2014. Both hulls are built along the lines of the Juan Carlos 1 of the Spanish Navy by the naval shipyard in Ferrol that is now managed by Navantia.

Canberra LHD hull (photo : JR Montero)

The Heavy Marine Transport vessel Blue Marlin was built in 2000. She is the largest semi-submersible vessel afloat measuring 224 meters by 63 meters and capable of transporting cargo of up to 76,000 tons.

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