Damen Schelde Siap Bermitra dengan PT. PAL

Di langsir dari blog BETHOROKOLO. Blog ngah-ngoh ini memberikan informasi tentang Kabar Militer Indonesia, Update Info Militer Dunia dan Indonesia, Alutsista Militer, Alutsista Negara Indonesia, Alutsista TNI. Kali ini mengupdate artikel tentang Damen Schelde Siap Bermitra dengan PT. PAL.

27 Agustus 2010

Sigma 10514 (image : Damen Schelde)

PT PAL Tekuni Bisnis Kapal Perang

SURABAYA--PT PAL Indonesia menjajaki peluang pengadaan kendaraan perang dari Kementerian Pertahanan (Kemenhan) setelah berhasil mendapatkan kontrak pembangunan kapal perusak kawal rudal (PKR) senilai Rp 4 triliun.

Direktur Utama PAL, Harsusanto mengatakan, Kemenhan sudah menyatakan minat untuk membuat kontrak lanjutan tersebut. "Yang sudah di depan mata untuk landing ship tank dan hydrography," katanya ketika ditemui usai menghadiri Kontrak Pembangunan Kapal (Ship Building Contract) Lima Kapal Kanker Pertamina dengan Empat Galangan Kapal, Kamis (26/8).

Untuk pembangunan kapal PKR sendiri, kata Harsusanto, pihaknya akan melanjutkan finalisasi kontrak pada bulan depan dan merampungkannya Oktober mendatang. Dalam proyek ini, PAL bermitra dengan Damen Schelde, pabrikan kapal asal Belanda. Bagi Damen sendiri, kata dia, pembuatan PKR gabungan ini merupakan pengalaman pertama bagi mereka.

Harsusanto berharap, terjadi transfer teknologi dalam proyek PKR yang perdana ini. Sehingga, untuk proyek selanjutnya dapat dilakukan secara mandiri. "Wah, potensinya ke depan bisa sampai 10 kapal (PKR)," katanya.

Menteri Perindustrian, MS Hidayat berharap proyek perdana kapal PKR oleh PAL ini mampu menjadi titik awal yang baik bagi industri alutsista nasional. "Karena itu, ini (proyek PKR) menjadi tugas berat bagi PAL," ucapnya dalam kesempatan yang sama.

Baca Juga :

Damen Schelde Delivers Frigate Indonesia
19 Agustus 2010

Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding (DSNS), Flushing builder of naval ships, one frigate will make to the Indonesian Navy. End, beginning in Jakarta this week signed a contract. The ship of 2,400 tons will be built at the yard of the Indonesian PT PAL in Surabaya. According to DSNS director of Ameijden Hein, who was present at the signing, this frigate first in a series. It can be considerably more. "The transaction has a value of 220 million U.S. dollars (171 million). The Netherlands supports the purchase of an export.

The Indonesian navy has four smaller corvettes Damen's Sigma-class service. "The experience it gave us an advantage over the competition." Also Italian and Russian shipbuilders preyed on the construction order. "In addition to the design of this frigate strives to maximize agreement with the previously delivered ships." This reduces logistics costs, such as spare parts.

Yet this construction, says Van Ameijden "uncharted waters, since we first complete naval vessel outside our own facilities built. Damen affect the production of relatively simple components of naval vessels often have to subsidiaries, as the site of Galati in Romania . The ship parts then go on pontoons to the wharf at Flushing, where they are assembled and dismantled. "It fits into our strategy to outsource as much as possible. We have compared with other European yards also a relatively small base. But here we pay everything.

"To advise the Indonesian shipbuilders, is estimated to be twenty-DSNS seconded staff in Surabaya, PT PAL in which a joint venture is established. In February Damen already established a joint venture in Qatar in order to include joint naval ships.

Indonesia has about thirty frigates and corvettes, most at the end of their operational life.

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